Matus1976 Blog - Philosophy, Science, Politics, Invention

23 March

Korea and Vietnam redux

Detroit4life wrote:
Yeah a war against the people of a country that we can never win.

Oh, like Korea?

As is usual with people like you commenting about Vietnam, you have no idea what you are talking about. If we couldnt 'win' that war, then how did the South Vietnamese with NO HELP AT ALL from the US or ANY OTHER COUNTRY fend off the Soviet Backed North Vietnamese communist for almost TWO YEARS after we left? Check the date the last US soldier left vietnam someday and compare it with the date that saigon fell. The war WAS won, and with only a modicum amount of support South Vietnam would be just like South Korea is today. But the democractically controlled US congress made it ILLEGAL to help the people of Indochina "They Need peace, not guns" cried Sen Chris Dodd. People like you sabatoged that win and subseqently led to the murder of nearly 6 million people and the brutal oppressive enslavement of well over 100 million. It is one of the greatest trangressions the US has commited in its entire history and it is primarily the fault of the US liberals and the anti-war activists.


Detroit4life wrote:
matus1976 wrote:
Oh, like Korea?


Yes like korea, because even if america got to the border to china they would have pushed us back to where we started. Just like what happened in korea. Americans got too close to china so they came in and bitch slapped america back into south korea. We could not have ever won it, it would have made us just as stupid as the french to try and keep attacking and wasting resources. How many good old boys have to die before it would be lost. They had a strategic advantage that no amount of troops could overcome, backing from russia and china(alegedly).

Well, you liberal revisionists like to redefine 'victory' in Korea as one that actually includes taking over North Korea, last I checked, North Korea, with soviet and chinese backing INVADED South Korea, where the US / UN then stepped in and beat them back into far north territory, where a new chinese onlsaught pushed back south again. The Objective of the US/UN was not to take over the north, it was to defend the south. The Objective of the North was to take over the south, it failed in it's objective. The US/UN succeeded in its. The Korean war was a victory, and today South Korea is the worlds 11th largest economy and has a GDP per capita that rivals any western country. North Korea, by countrast, is THE WORST country on earth. The 25 million people of Korea would be starving under the brutal jackboot of Kim Jong Il if anyone had listened to your ilk back then. Good thing your moronic pacifist they-aint-killin-us-so-it-doesnt-matter attidude was as ignored back then as it deserved to be. Sadly and at the cost of millions of lives, it isnt anymore.


Korean Penninsula at night

posted at 22:46:08 on 03/23/05 by Matus1976 - Category: General


Matus1976 wrote:

"Good thing your moronic pacifist they-aint-killin-us-so-it-doesnt-matter attidude was as ignored back then as it deserved to be. Sadly and at the cost of millions of lives, it isnt anymore."

Mike what has gotten into you? (Just read your recent blog) First off you used to be civil in your discourse with others. I think you ought to read Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan again and learn a little more civility.

And also, perhaps you think I'm part of that attitude you speak of, yet you still have not justified morally to me why the state should compel others into a war and pay for a war to defend a country that is not theirs unless it is in the interests of safety of the United States. That is morally reprehensible and is nothing short of tyranny. Compelling me to pay for any charity is morally reprehensible. Our armed services ought to be used for the defense of the United States of America and we ought to only be taxed for that purpose. If you want to raise a volunteer mercenary army paid for through voluntary charities, then fight all the wars you want around the world. But don't demand I pay for a war by forcefully taking my money, or compelling our armed services, who signed up to defend America, to fight for someone else's country.

When did you become such a statist/collectivist?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - Declaration of Independence

03/30/05 00:15:22

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